Walden is a film magazine published twice a year. The magazine was founded in 2012, and was an online publication up until 2015. Aside from publishing the magazine, Walden also arranges film screenings.
Here you will find a number of texts in English as well as contact information. The magazine is in Swedish, but if you like to place an order please just send us an email.
Texts in English:
Conversation with Peter Gidal by Martin Grennberger
On Günter Peter Straschek and the German-Speaking Film Emigration of the 1930s by Peter Nestler
Summa: Jean-Luc Godard’s Le Livre d’image and the Histories of the Histories of Cinema by Kim West
Ways of Seeing Through Cinema: A Conersation with Chris Kraus & Yvonne Rainer by Frida Sandström
Editorial staff:
Martin Grennberger
Anders Karlin
Stefan Ramstedt, legally responsive publisher
Walden is published by Föreningen Walden, with support from Kulturrådet.
ISSN: 2002-2891